• 01 load bearing profiled sheets
    Z”, “C” and “Ω” light purlins
    Load bearing profiled sheets
  • 02 energy efficient PIR PUR sandwich panels
    Energy-efficient PIR / PUR
    sandwich panels
  • 03 fire safe sandwich panels with rock wool
    Fire-safe sandwich panels
    with rock wool
  • PIR / PUR insulation boards for walls and roofs
    PIR / PUR insulation boards
    for walls and roofs
  • Hinged ventilated facades
    ventilated facades
  • Sandwich panels for freezers and cold stores
    Sandwich panels
    for freezers and cold stores
  • Doors and accessories for freezers and coldrooms
    Doors and accessories
    for freezers and coldrooms
  • Fastening elements


Emimar continues the installation of an industrial refrigerator in Marupes parish. General Contractor: Būve Plus building company. rigasSaldetava 152x80

Tukuma Straume works have been completed: on February 27, the building was successfully accepted by the customer and put into operation. See pictures for more info. tukuma straume sda4a 152x80

In our new 'Infotheca' subsection we are going to publish materials, information and technical documentation for architects and designers. Documents on Protan waterproofing systems (Norway) are already available. Logo Emimar LV 152x80
Construction works at the "Baltic Logistic Solutions" facility are drawing to a close (General contractor: Bukoteks). This site can be considered our biggest roofing project in 2014: its total area of roofing amounts to nearly 40,000 m2. sanitex feb01 152x80

At the final match in Group B team Latvia won confidently team Estonia 8 to 3 and became the winner in Group B at Bandy World Championship. Emimar provided financial support for the Latvian national team. bendi emimar 152x80

Another construction project is drawing to its end in Vangaži (Riga District). We are referring to a paint shop reconstruction. Project's General Contractor: IZOTERMS SIA. Izoterms Vangazhi 152x80

Works on reconstruction of the grain elevator located in Tume municipality of Tukums region are about to end. Customer: Joint-Stock Company "Tukuma Straume"; General Contractor: Emimar. Tukuma STAUM 2015 152x80

Our website has launched a new subsection called "Useful Articles" where we will post some noteworthy information about construction. Let us bring to your notice our first story from China: "How to Build a 30-Story Hotel in 15 Days".   Logo Emimar LV 152x80

People aren't shopping much at the Vallco Shopping Mall in Silicon Valley, so they're turning it into a green, walkable neighborhood. Vallco Shopping Mall, in the heart of suburban Silicon Valley, is a classic example of the dying shopping center. Half the stores are empty, the food court is abandoned. So now developers plan to start over. The mall and the sprawling adjacent parking lot may be turned into a new walkable neighborhood, topped with the largest green roof in the world.

largest green roof 000