At the final match in Group B team Latvia won confidently team Estonia 8 to 3 and became the winner in Group B at Bandy World Championship. Emimar provided financial support for the Latvian national team. bendi emimar 152x80


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Latvia won five victories in six games. In a symbolic world team includes three players from Latvia: July Kadnai, Arthur Befus, Lauris Zieminsh, ranked fifth in the list of the top scorers in the tournament.

This year's World Championships Bandy Group "A" and "B" are separated by time. Latvia performance in group "B" was a warm-up before a group "A", which will perform eight strongest teams in the world. Championship in group "A" starts March 29 in the same place in Khabarovsk, where a team of Latvia in his first match will meet with US. Emimar wish our team good luck!

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