New 300 mm plinth for industrial refrigerators
Here is our new plinth 300 mm. A large size protection system made with antishock material, ideal for walls and panels.
Easy to install and clean, it is fully equipped with corner caps and fixing accessories. If you are interested do not hesitate to contact us.
Wood-derived foam materials
Since most foam materials are made of petrochemical plastics, they aren't very climate-friendly. But now an alternative is in sight – a novel foam material produced entirely from wood, which is not harmful to the environment and is also recyclable. In the long term, wood foam could replace conventional products used for thermal insulation, packaging, scientists say.
Largest single-story building in the world
The Vehicle (originally Vertical) Assembly Building, or VAB, at NASA's Kennedy Space Center (KSC) was first used to assemble the massive American Saturn V launch vehicles beginning in 1967. At 3,664,883 cubic meters it is one of the largest buildings in the world by volume. The building is at Launch Complex 39 at KSC, halfway between Jacksonville and Miami, and due east of Orlando on Merritt Island on the Atlantic coast of Florida. The VAB is the largest single-story building in the world, was the tallest building (160.3 m) in Florida until 1974, and is still the tallest building in the United States outside an urban area.
First bracket for ventilated façade systems (VFS) made of thermoplastic Ultramid for the construction industry
Good insulation depends on the materials employed and intelligent technology. The MAAS Profile / BEMO Systems GmbH company group has teamed up with BASF in developing the first bracket for ventilated façades made of the thermoplastic Ultramid® to be awarded a DIBt (Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik) national technical approval. The plastic, an extra high-strength polyamide compound, is already in successful use in the automotive industry, e.g. for engines mounts, and is now being launched as an innovative material for ventilated façades in the construction sector. Similar materials have already been performing impeccably in the thermal separators of aluminum façades and windows for decades.
30 Story Hotel Completely Built and Finished in Fifteen Days
Chinese construction workers have once again awed the world, this time by erecting a 30-story hotel in 360 hours in Hunan Province. The building is the latest achievement of Broad Sustainable Building (BSB), a Chinese construction company renowned for its eye-opening efficiency.