On May 28, the foundation stone of the Academic Center of Natural Sciences (Latvian University) was laid in Torņakalns. After four months, Emimar, commissioned by LNK Industries, started roof waterproofing works in the newly-erected 8-storey building, using PROTAN materials.

PROTAN в Академическом центре Латвийского университета

Since 1972, Protan has installed more than 100 million m2 of PVC roofing. Many of the roofs installed over 30 years ago are still in operation and good condition. Protan is the world's only company producing PVC roofing membranes with its own assembly organizations.

Emimar specialists at work

Emimar specialists at work.


Academic Center of Natural Sciences (Latvian University). Design by Sestais stils architectural bureau.

Academic Center of Natural Sciences (Latvian University). Design by Sestais stils architectural bureau.